Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "V.I. Nizhankovskii"
Found 10 record(s)
1. Effect of pressure on the properties of molybdenum sulfides in the superconducting and normal states
2. Effect of magnetic breakdown on the Hall effect in beryllium
3. Effect of pressure on the magnetic and structural transitions in GaMo5S6
4. Magnetic breakdown and thermoelectric power in niobium
5. Excess conductivity and diamagnetism in superconducting perovskite-like systems: prospects for raising the critical temperature
6. Electron spin resonance due to localized moments in superconducting metal oxides
7. An investigation of the effect of a magnetic field on the chemical potential of electrons in bismuth and in a GaAs-AIxGa1-xAs heterojunction
8. Oscillations of the chemical potential and the equation of state for beryllium
9. An investigation of the isotope effect in SnM06S8
10. Phases of the magnetic-breakdown oscillations of the resistance and of the thermoelectric power of beryllium
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