Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "N. Ya. Fogel'"
Found 12 record(s)
1. Deviation from Kohler's Rule in Pure Aluminum
2. Magnetic Flux Jumps in Hard Superconductors in Pulsed Magnetic Fields
3. Critical Current Anisotropy in Superconducting PbIn Slngle Crystals
4. Effect of injection of helium atoms on the superconducting properties of indium films
5. Temperature Dependence of the Viscosity Coefficient in Type II Superconductors
N. Ya. Fogel'
JETP, 1973, Vol. 36, No. 4, p. 725
PDF (224.1K)

6. Surface and volume vortex pinning in type-ll superconductors
N. Ya. Fogel'
JETP, 1974, Vol. 38, No. 4, p. 763
PDF (167.1K)

7. Critical fields and dimensional crossover in layered periodic and nonperiodic superconductors
8. Angular dependence of the critical field of superconducting superlattices: experiment
9. Critical fields of V/Si superlattices
10. Critical fluctuations in thin superconducting vanadium films in quantized magnetic fields
11. Superconducting properties, conductivity, and structure of granular metalinsulator films
12. Resistive transitions and the critical fields of inhomogeneous superconducting vanadium films
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