Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "L.A. Kul'chitskii"
Found 7 record(s)
1. Intermediate-Energy Photodeuterons from C12 and Be9
2. Investigation of High-Energy Protons Emitted in the Photodisintegration of Li6
3. Investigation of 15 to 65-Mev Protons Produced in the Photodisintegration of Aluminum and Nickel
4. Cross Section for the Reaction C13 (γ, p) B12
5. Photodisintegration of Li7
6. Photonuclear Reactions Involving the Emission of Deuterons and Tritons with Energies Below 15 Mev
7. Yield of Fast Photoneutrons From C12 and Al27
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