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ZhETF, Vol. 127, No. 5, p. 1055 (May 2005)
(English translation - JETP, Vol. 100, No. 5, p. 929, May 2005 available online at )

Kopeliovich V.B., Shunderuk A.M.

Received: December 27, 2004

PACS: 12.39.Dc, 21.60.Ev, 21.80.+a

DJVU (210.1K) PDF (405.3K)

The energies of baryon states with positive strangeness, or anticharm (antibeauty) are estimated in the chiral soliton approach, in the «rigid oscillator» version of the bound-state soliton model proposed by Klebanov and Westerberg. Positive strangeness states can appear as relatively narrow nuclear levels (Θ-hypernuclei), the states with heavy antiflavors can be bound with respect to strong interactions in the original Skyrme variant of the model (SK4 variant). The binding energies of antiflavored states are also estimated in the variant of the model with a 6-th order term in chiral derivatives added to the Lagrangian to stabilize solitons (SK6 variant). This variant is less attractive, and nuclear states with anticharm and antibeauty can be unstable relative to strong interactions. The chances to obtain bound hypernuclei with heavy antiflavors increase within the «nuclear variant» of the model with a rescaled model parameter (the Skyrme constant e or e' decreased by about 30 %), which is expected to be valid for baryon numbers greater than B\sim 10. The rational map approximation is used to describe multiskyrmions with the baryon number up to about 30 and to calculate the quantities necessary for their quantization (moments of inertia, sigma-term, etc.).

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