публикаций автора "N.G. Birger"
Найдено 5
1. The Kinematics of Elementary Interactions
2. A Possibility for Investigating the Structure of Nucleons and Nuclei
3. Some Cases of Generation of Heavy Unstable Particles on Beryllium Nuclei
4. On the Character of πN and pp Scattering in the Region of High Momentum Transfers
5. Inelastic Interactions Between 6.8-Bev/c π- Mesons and Nucleons
N.G. Birger, Wang Kang-ch'ang, Wang Ts'u-tseng, Ting Ta-ts'ao, Yu. V. Katyshev, E.N. Kladnitskaya, D.K. Kopylova, V.B. Lyubimov, Nguyen Dinh Tu, A.V. Nikitin, M.I. Podgoretskii, Yu. A. Smorodin, M.I. Solov'ev, Z. Trka
1962 г.,
Том 14,
Вып. 5,
стр. 1043