ЖЭТФ, Том 150,
Вып. 5,
стр. 945 (Ноябрь 2016)
(Английский перевод - JETP,
Vol. 123, No 5,
p. 822,
November 2016
доступен on-line на www.springer.com
Possible acceleration of cosmic rays in a rotating system: Uehling-Uhlenbeck model
Kwang-Hua Ch.R.
Поступила в редакцию: 6 Июня 2016
DOI: 10.7868/S0044451016110110
We illustrate the possible acceleration of cosmic rays passing through a kind of amplification channel (via diffusion modes of propagating plane-wave fronts) induced by a rotating system. Our analysis is mainly based on the quantum discrete kinetic model (considering a discrete Uehling-Uhlenbeck collision term), which has been used to study the propagation of plane (e.g., acoustic) waves in a system of rotating gases.