ЖЭТФ, Том 128,
Вып. 4,
стр. 714 (Октябрь 2005)
(Английский перевод - JETP,
Vol. 101, No 4,
p. 611,
October 2005
доступен on-line на www.springer.com
Kosarim A.V., Smirnov B.M.
Поступила в редакцию: 17 Мая 2005
PACS: 31.25.-v, 34.20.Mq, 34.70.+e
The electron terms are constructed for oxygen dimer ions at large ion-atom distances with accounting for a certain scheme of summation of electron moments on the basis of a hierarchy of various ion-atom interactions. Because the number of interaction types exceeds that in the Hund scheme, the realistic hierarchy of interactions and corresponding quantum numbers of the diatomic ion are outside the Hund coupling scheme. Electron terms are evaluated for the oxygen dimer ion in the case where the ground and first excited states of an atom and an ion belong to the respective valence electron shells p4 and p3 and correspond to the range of separations that determine the cross sections of resonant charge exchange in plasma. These electron terms allow us to calculate the partial and average cross sections for resonant charge exchange involving an oxygen ion and atom in the ground and first excited states in the range of collision energies that is of interest for oxygen plasma. Peculiarities of electron terms of the oxygen ion dimer and the cross section of electron transfer are analyzed.