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ЖЭТФ, Том 123, Вып. 5, стр. 891 (Май 2003)
(Английский перевод - JETP, Vol. 96, No 5, p. 782, May 2003 доступен on-line на www.springer.com )

Kopeliovich V.B.

Поступила в редакцию: 13 Ноября 2002

PACS: 12.39.Dc, 21.60.Ev, 21.80.+a

DJVU (94.1K) PDF (267.5K)

Identification of flavored multiskyrmions with the ground states of known hypernuclei is successful for several of them, e.g., for the isodoublet Λ4H-Λ4He and isoscalars Λ5He and Λ7Li. In other cases, agreement is not so good, but as the baryon number increases, the behavior of the binding energy qualitatively agrees with the data. Charmed or beautiful hypernuclei are predicted within this approach to be bound stronger than strange hypernuclei. This conclusion is stable with respect to a certain variation of poorly known heavy flavor decay constants.

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