
publications of "Yu. F. Pazhin"
Found 6 record(s)
1. Angular Distribution of Protons Emitted in the Reaction D( n, p) 2n
2. The Neutron-neutron S-state Interaction
3. The "Thin" and "Thick" Crystal Approximations in Anomalous X-ray Transmission
4. Diffraction of Resonance γ Rays by Nuclei and Electrons in Tin Single Crystals
5. Relativistic scattering of Mössbauer γ rays by moving inhomogeneities in a medium
6. Averaged spin orientation in amorphous Fe81B19 systems under uniaxial compression
I.L. Korsunskii, V.V. Lomonosov, Yu. F. Pazhin, S.B. Sazonov, P.F. Samarin, V.D. Sedykh, A.V. Serebryakov, V.A. Suetin
Vol. 63,
No. 6,
p. 1238