ZhETF, Vol. 140,
No. 1,
p. 179 (July 2011)
(English translation - JETP,
Vol. 113, No. 1,
p. 156,
July 2011
available online at www.springer.com
Kagan M.Yu., Val'kov V.V.
Received: November 1, 2010
Dedicated to the memory of Professor A. G. Aronov We search for marginal Fermi-liquid behavior [1] in the two-band Hubbard model with one narrow band. We consider the limit of low electron densities in the bands and strong intraband and interband Hubbard interactions. We analyze the influence of electron polaron effect [2] and other mechanisms of mass enhancement (related to momentum dependence of the self-energies) on the effective mass and scattering times of light and heavy components in the clean case (electron-electron scattering and no impurities). We find the tendency towards phase separation (towards negative partial compressibility of heavy particles) in the 3D case for a large mismatch between the densities of heavy and light bands in the strong-coupling limit. We also observe that for low temperatures and equal densities, the homogeneous state resistivity behaves in a Fermi-liquid fashion in both 3D and 2D cases. For temperatures higher than the effective bandwidth for heavy electrons T>Wh*, the coherent behavior of the heavy component is totally destroyed. The heavy particles move diffusively in the surrounding of light particles. At the same time, the light particles scatter on the heavy ones as if on immobile (static) impurities. In this regime, the heavy component is marginal, while the light one is not. The resistivity saturates for T>Wh* in the 3D case. In 2D, the resistivity has a maximum and a localization tail due to weak-localization corrections of the Altshuler-Aronov type [3]. Such behavior of resistivity could be relevant for some uranium-based heavy-fermion compounds like UNi2 Al3 in 3D and for some other mixed-valence compounds possibly including layered manganites in 2D. We also briefly consider the superconductive (SC) instability in the model. The leading instability is towards the p-wave pairing and is governed by the enhanced Kohn-Luttinger [4] mechanism of SC at low electron density. The critical temperature corresponds to the pairing of heavy electrons via polarization of the light ones in 2D.